
A Goat and A Tortoise

The Perils of Climbing and the Pleasures of Staying Grounded

“It is so great to be a goat!”, said the Goat to the Tortoise.

“Why do you think so?”, asked the Tortoise.

“Because a goat knows how to climb and balance on all kinds of pedestals, straw roofs, fences, trees and ladders. It can climb the structures of quite questionable stability!” said the goat, and immediately began climbing a pile of various objects arranged haphazardly. Long has the Goat been adjusting its contrapostos and complex centers of gravity until the swinging structure under its hooves finally stabilized.

“Finally, I achieved my balance”, exclaimed the Goat from the heights.

The Tortoise just nodded and said:

“I’m quite down to earth. My hard stomach touches the soil, and my strong limbs help me move slowly from place to place. Slowly, because due to the effective armor, and my healthy attitude towards space-time, I am totally laid back and never have to hurry. Tortoise is never late, because it always is at the place of its destination: where the tortoise is there is the tortoise and that’s that! My innate ‘tortoiseness’ gives me something that you probably would call ‘a sense of balance’. It implies, however, a need for acrobatics applied in order to achieve the necessary equilibrium. But the notion of balance is completely foreign to me. A tortoise neither balances, nor climbs on top of complex structures. A tortoise will never fall off things and feels no need to prove anything to anyone.”

Suddenly, a gust of wind rocked the strange disorderly scaffolding on which the goat was balancing.

The Goat fell with a bang and a splash down on the muddy ground but quickly stood up and despite soreness immediately ran in search of new structures for climbing and balancing. Now more than ever it needed a sense of balance!

Piotr Petarda

  Piotr Petarda

(wł. Piotr Parda) Artysta, ilustrator książek i poszukiwacz. Od 2001 r mieszka w Bostonie, a do kraju przyjeżdża dwa razy w roku. Podwójny magister sztuki (ASP w Poznaniu i SMFA -TUFTS w Bostonie). Przez około pół godziny został kelnerem i czekał na zamówienie stojąc wśród nagrobków zabytkowego cmentarza w Amherst, Massachusetts, innym razem prezentował przedświątecznym zakupowiczom centrum handlowego zawartość pustego portfela. W środku lata ulepił bałwana z trawy i gipsu w ogrodzie swojego domu na przedmieściach Poznania oraz namalował kilka obrazów za pomocą wiertarki i szczotki. Brał udział w trzech maratonach, a w jednym z biegów na 5 km zdobył pierwsze miejsce w grupie wiekowej 35-39 lat. W roku 2015 przeszedł do następnej grupy wiekowej.

(Piotr Parda) Artist, book illustrator, wanderer. Since 2001 lives in Boston and visits Poland twice a year. Double Master of Fine Arts (Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań and SMFA -TUFTS in Boston). For about half an hour he became a waiter and waited for an order among the graves of the old graveyard in Amherst, Massachusetts. Other time he presented the interior of his empty wallet to the Christmas shoppers at a shopping mall. In the garden of his suburban house in Poland, he built a snowman out of mowed grass and plaster in the middle of summer and painted a few paintings using a power drill with a brush attached to it. Piotr took part in three marathons and won one 5K race in his age group (35-39) . In 2015 he moved up to the next age group.

DATA PUBLIKACJI: 18 czerwca 2016