Chuck Andromeda
Poeta amerykańsko-polski młodego pokolenia. Laureat konkursu poetyckiego (Seventh Poetry Challenge) w New Jersey. Urodził się w 1985 roku w Nowym Yorku, gdzie żyje i tworzy. Ten post-bitnik trzeciej fali ma polskie korzenie, które zawdzięcza matce pochodzącej spod Koszalina (ojciec nieznany). Andromeda – dzięki matce – jest dwujęzyczny; poezję pisze niemal wyłącznie w języku polskim. Operuje ostrym językiem, często wulgarnym, którego używa do krytyki wszelkiej maści reżimów oraz dla własnej (i czytelnika) przyjemności. Studiował medycynę, anglistykę i socjologię. Żadnego z tych kierunków nie ukończył. Aktualnie pracuje na poczcie w nowojorskim Chinatown. W pocie czoła.
American poet of the young generation. Winner of poetic (Seventh Poetry Challenge) in New Jersey. Born in 1985 in New York, where he lives and works. This third wave post-beatnik has Polish roots, which he owes to his mother coming from Koszalin (father unknown). Thanks to his mother, Andromeda is bilingual; He writes poetry almost exclusively in Polish. He uses a sharp tongue, often vulgar, which is used to criticize all sorts of regimes as well as for his own (and reader's) pleasure. He studied medicine, English literature and sociology. None of these studies were completed. He currently works at the post office in New York's Chinatown. With the sweat of his brow.
American poet of the young generation. Winner of poetic (Seventh Poetry Challenge) in New Jersey. Born in 1985 in New York, where he lives and works. This third wave post-beatnik has Polish roots, which he owes to his mother coming from Koszalin (father unknown). Thanks to his mother, Andromeda is bilingual; He writes poetry almost exclusively in Polish. He uses a sharp tongue, often vulgar, which is used to criticize all sorts of regimes as well as for his own (and reader's) pleasure. He studied medicine, English literature and sociology. None of these studies were completed. He currently works at the post office in New York's Chinatown. With the sweat of his brow.
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